

Albie's Personal Scripts Page

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32) You DID Subscribe lol!

Additional Personal Scripts:

29. You DID Subscribe!
30. WRITING AN EMAIL (Critique)
31. Earning for FREE
33. Gods Care
34. Farmer/Seed, Subscriber/Relationship
35. MLMROD How Do I Get Special Capture Page?
36. What is the COST?
37. What you're doing is SPAM

You DID Subscribe!

 Hi (NAME)! So nice to meet you.

So I believe this is the page that you subscribed to: 
(picture below): 
SuperBoss 2a  (1400 × 600 px).png
So you must have subscribed for a reason. If that reason is to make extra money, then this is your chance because I'm a real
person. I've had a lot of success working online and can help you (if you want it). It wasn't always like this, however, and I 
struggled for years trying to succeed. In fact, I was an elementary school teacher for 20 years and loved working with kids.
However, in 2012, our school lost funding and all of us lost our jobs. That's when I decided to try and work online and see
 if I could make some of the things I really wanted to do in life come true. I struggled for five years at that point and it wasn't 
until I was mentored by a seven-figure earner, that things changed. Anyway, I will help you also personally just like my 
mentor helped me. :) 
Let me know if you want to know more about joining our team and earning too. 
Talk soon! 


Hi ! So nice to meet you.

So I believe this is the page that you subscribed to: 
(picture below): 
And here is confirmation that you subscribed: 
So you must have subscribed for a reason. If that reason is to make extra money, then this is your chance because I'm a real
person. I've had a lot of success working online and can help you (if you want it). It wasn't always like this, however, and I 
struggled for years trying to succeed. In fact, I was an elementary school teacher for 20 years and loved working with kids.
However, in 2012, our school lost funding and all of us lost our jobs. That's when I decided to try and work online and see
 if I could make some of the things I really wanted to do in life come true. I struggled for five years at that point and it wasn't 
until I was mentored by a seven-figure earner, that things changed and I was able to start building a team all over the world. 
Anyway, I will help you also personally just like my mentor helped me. :) 
Let me know if you want to know more about joining our team and earning too. 
Talk soon! 



Juel, great email. I just wanted to share a couple of things with you (NAME) 

I hope you're not mad at me for critiquing your email. I just want to help you
get better results. I truly appreciate all the work and thought you went through to create 
this email. 
First off the beginning of your email needs to be EXCITING as possible with 
the content you're presenting: 
Example: "Someone help!' I was bleeding really badly..." 
Example 2: "I can't believe this!" I exclaimed. This is a true
story of what happened to me on LinkedIn...
(NOT...: "you are receiving this message as
a valued subscriber to my Home Business Tips newsletter.
You can always update your subscription settings below...")
This entry will bore people to death and it's the first words that make ALL the difference! 
You can put this into the email at the end or part of the disclaimer etc...
There are two things that get people to open their emails. 1) The subject heading
2) The very first sentence (as it can be seen without even opening an email). These 
two things need to be considered very carefully! 
The second thing. Even though the email is well put together in content, it's very 
weak in a call to action (both in getting someone to click the link and respond back). 
Frank Calabro Jr (in his emails) may only say three sentences but they make you 
want to click the link! (haha!). 
Remember, that in every email, your FIRST goal (in my opinion) should be to get someone 
to respond back to you. Of course, you're building a relationship with them by giving them 
something of value (which is great) but don't forget its what story YOU are going through 
that people care about (and how it makes you feel) that will build  "know, like and trust" with them. 
They want to be able to relate to you and feel like you're a part of them (if you see what I mean). 
Three things: 1. Share something personal. 2) Share something helpful (which you're doing). 
3. A call to action that gets them to move. 
It's the call to action that IS THE REASON you're sending the email in the first place, so make the 
whole email revolve around it! I've found that getting six subscribers to respond back to me each
day, results in one sale a day. If you keep this as your goal, you will get there! 
I hope all this helps (NAME). :) 
PS: If you have the Home Business Pro level in PLS, watch the "Email Marketing" Training by 
Gregg Davis. It will change your emails forever (in a good way). Sometimes he swears a bit 
much, but the actual content of what he says is top-notch. 


Earning For FREE


(NAME), so good to hear from you. Ok so here's the deal: 

If you have $0 money but have some skills, you can sell something, earn a little 
money and reinvest it over and over to make a lot of money. You just need 
some ambition. If you don't have any, then it will all fall apart. 
If you have that, then I can work with you and show you the path. :) 
Let me know! 


I understand (NAME). But if you don't start investing some time, nothing in your 
life will ever change. Remember, the poor work FOR money, the rich make
MONEY work for them. Big difference. So my suggestion is to start saving now
(even if just a little) to be able to get ahead in the future. Then set a goal 
and how to achieve it and go after it. Let me know your goal and I will help you. :) 


(NAME), you need two things:1) focus. 2) baby steps. 

So I want you to go inside MLMROD and go through all 
the training and learn all you can. See if you can see a strategy for 
yourself with it. Then get your Zoom working and join us tonight so 
I can help you understand the skills that will eventually change everything for you.
I remember all too clearly getting overwhelmed also. Put the drive for money out
of your head and remember that your earnings will be equal to your skill level. Then
just focus on learning the skills (not focusing as if the program will change your life - because
none of them will). It's only the skills that matter - period. Ok :) 
Focus on learning one thing at a time successfully and then practicing over and over 
again until you can do it successfully. Go from one little success to the next. This (in time)
will change your life. If you have 10 things to do and do them all halfheartedly you will have
failed with all ten things. I would rather someone do two or three things successfully (out of the ten)
then all ten badly. See what I mean (NAME)? 
Here's the plan: 
Desire to succeed.
Getting around someone who can teach you the way
Practicing what you've been taught over and over again 
until you get it down.
Does this help (NAME)? 

Gods Care

God's job was creating you with an amazing 

mind and giving you parents who would raise you to be able to go out and 
take care of yourself. God provides the seed and we have to go plant it 
and take care of it so we can eat. There is evil in the world and that's because 
God gave us all the ability to choose. God never promised any of us anything. 
But we have the ability to take advantage of all the good things we can. The good
exists in the first place because God loves us. End of story. 
I hope you have a wonderful day. Remember, you can do the most amazing 
things if you believe you can and go forward and try. 
Your friend.  


Farmer/Seed, Subscriber/Relationship

Hey (NAME), so there are five skills you need to succeed:

Basically to sum them all up easily let me give you an example: So, it's like a farmer. You have to plant the "seeds"
and then water them and protect them. In our business, the "seeds" are subscribers and you have to
"water" them or you have to build relationships with them through your emails and help them to grow.

Does that make sense (NAME)?


MLMROD, How Do I Find That Special Capture Page? 

Hey (NAME)! So great to hear from you. 

My first piece of advice is to go completely through the "Training Vault" Tab and learn all you can. 
The second thing is to understand that I'm an expert working online and that making 
exclusive capture pages that catch people's attention is what I do! Having said that, you can actually find the 
page I used but it does cost more to use it. It's not mandatory to use that page to have success, however. 
In fact, I made a bunch of sales without it. There are five main skills to success online and these are the things that will
give you success (not an ad or one specific capture page). I will teach you these skills one at a time and help you if 
you are willing to connect with me on Skype when you have time (Mon - Fri). 
If you want to see the page I used, simply go to the "Leads Without Cold Calling" tab and then go down and 
review the "Incentives Plan". You will find the page in there. Honestly, I would not worry about it right now 
but just keep it in mind for the future. I will train you and help you get to the level where promoting that 
page and paying extra for it is really worth it. Don't worry, I will help you find people who are interested 
without having to use it  (but of course, it's completely up to you). And of course, if you don't mind paying the 
extra for it, that's perfectly fine too.
Does this help (NAME)? 



Hey (NAME)! So you can start our program with as little as $10. 
The total cost is impossible to share with you because you may use free or paid advertising, 
you may decide to get an autoresponder or any of the many tools we use to help make your job easier. 
You don't have to but the option is there. You may also want to make more money than our first program offers. 
The choices are yours. 
To tell you the truth, success is never easy and never costs a "set price". 
If you want to take control of your future and kick your job or working for someone else to the side, 
you have to mean business and this demands that you will need to save up and get whatever it is that you 
need to achieve that. It's hard for me to say what that is because I don't know you very well, your finances, 
what you have saved up, or your income. I also don't know your skill level. 
What I can do for you, however, is teach you real skills. The skills are the most important thing, not the business. 
However, having the right tools does come into the equation at the right time. If you want something bad enough, 
you should prepare for the adventure, step forward, and do your best. That's all anyone can do and you will 
never regret that. What you might regret, however, is the chance to learn the skills and not having the bravery to step 
up and try to learn them. I find that the price of discipline is ten times less than the price of regret. 
And that's the biggest piece of the puzzle earning successfully online. 
The price is always and forever "what you can afford at the time" period. That's been my rule of thumb. 
I hope that helps. :) 
So YBY is the name of our Team. We've created this cool system to help and train
you in duplication, earning from a very lucrative business and creating
massive leverage. We also give you paid members to help you build your
team as you help us. You can see everything here: 
If you join us in the first program, make sure to join under Rose-Mary as I'm helping her next. 
I will be able to help you in the same way, I'm helping her. I will also be here for you personally! 
Will you let me know if or when you get started so I can help you, (NAME)? 

What you're doing is SPAM!

(NAME), I wish someone had explained what I'm about to share 

with you to me. But I had to learn it all the hard way. 
One thing I want to share with you. First off, I am not on your list,
you are on my list. You subscribed to hear from me (I didn't subscribe to 
hear from you). What you are doing by sending me sales emails is SPAM. 
This will never have a good response! NEVER. People will always be 
frustrated to hear from you because you're abusing the agreement. 
Now do I mind hearing from you personally? No, not at all. If you want 
to discuss something with me or ask me a question etc...that is perfectly
fine. But to send me sales letters wanting me to join your opportunity
shows that you don't know what you're doing. Someone will NOT join
your business because of your words. They will join you because they 
TRUST you. If you can create "know, like and trust" then you can get 
sales consistently. If you want to join our team, then I 
will teach you how to do this properly. 
Let me know! 



Congratulations on Viewing all the Scripts.?? 

Have Questions? Connect with us below.

We're looking forward to working with you! 

Elizabeta Kuzevska
Albie Derbyshire


cell: 626-379-5692


Created byAlbie Derbyshire 2020